Amplify girls
Developing a tool to measure adolescent girls’ agency
AMPLIFY Girls is a collective of community-driven organizations (CDOs) working to localize global development and invest in adolescent girls. It supports CDOs to lead and collectively work towards improving outcomes for adolescent girls – based on the solutions they identify as best for their communities.
AMPLIFY Girls has created the AMPLIFY Girls’ Agency Tool; a first-of-its-kind comprehensive measure designed to assign a score to a girl’s level of agency during her participation in life skills-based programs.
This tool has potential to be a golden standard for evaluation in girl-focused spaces and is unique in the fact that it has been designed and built entirely by CDOs leaders.
Be That Girl is providing support to strengthen the tool and make it more widely available for girl-serving local organizations around the world.
AMPLIFY aims to create an online portal through which the agency tool will be freely available for all CDOs that wish to use it, with trainings on how to administer its survey and automatic data analysis.
Photo credit: AMPLIFY Girls
AMPLIFY GIRLS tool timeline
Key facts
CDOs part of the AMPLIFY Girls network came together to identify a shared indicator for their impact: they would consider themselves successful if the girls they served showed, more than anything else, notable increases in agency over time.
The AMPLIFY Girls -Sidle Agency tool, developed and validated from 2018-2020, characterizes agency as both a girls’ personal belief in their ability combined with the skills needed to effect change in their own lives and world.
The localized tool is currently in use by AMPLIFY partner organizations across a multitude of settings to measure outcomes of their life skills programs.
The ultimate goal for the tool to become an industry-standard method for assessing girl-focused programs and as a source of information that can be used to improve the lives of the girls served by those programs.